Comic Books

Here are some of Julie’s comics credits.

The Phantom

Story Title: “The Phantom: Simulacra” (COMING SOON!)
Book: The Phantom: TBA
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich
Art: Wendell Cavalcanti
Genre: Action Adventure
Synopsis: Cassandra Adgar, a renowned Australian adventurer and photographer of simulacra in nature is a friend of Kit Walker and Diana Palmer. When Cassandra becomes obsessed with local stories in Queensland’s Daintree National Park about a tree in the mangroves that resembles the face of a humanoid creature, she sets out on a river expedition, at her peril, to capture a likeness for her next coffee table book but disappears on the quest. The Phantom sets out to find her but is unprepared for the depravity and horror of what he encounters that challenges his very sanity. For the rainforest is not all it seems…
Publisher: Frew Publications
Year of Publication: 2025
Format: Serialised comic book story (4 x 8-page chapters)
Edition: First
Price: AUD$TBA
Book Length: TBA pages
Story Length: 24 pages
Availability: TBA –

Copyright Information: The Phantom is Copyright © King Features Syndicate, Inc. Hearst Holdings, Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of the publisher is prohibited.

The Super Australians

















Title: SUPERHUMANITY: The Super Australians
Editor: Christopher Sequeira
Contributors: Various
Genre: Superhero
Synopsis: A comic book series in the grand tradition of superhero team sagas, created by 12 combos of writer and artist, totalling 24 main creators (and a couple of able, supporting guest-talents); an assemblage of 26 of some of Australia’s most loved and accomplished comics writers and artists!

Twelve Australian superheroes stand against 12 menaces in every State, Territory, and geographical clime of Australia from parched deserts to the ice-covered Australian Antarctic Territory. These heroes—six males and six females–represent diverse ages, ethnicities and walks of life and an impressive array of super powers or special abilities possessed in this strange, wide, brown land of ours.

And these warriors will need every bit of inspiration and energy they have to deal with sinister villains that have been deployed to serve a dark mastermind who wants to strike malevolently at the very existence of their home nation: The Land Beneath the Southern Cross. Can a dozen very different champions resist the darkness? For, if even one fails, the future may be written in the stars, and that future may be disastrous.
Publisher: IPI Comics
Year of Publication: 2024
Format: Comic book series
UPC: 72402224351000111 to …00411
Edition: First
Price: AUD$7:00 each issue
Length: 4 x 32 pages
Character: “Djiniri”
Chapter Story and Script: Julie Ditrich
Chapter Art: Marcelo Baez
Chapter Synopsis (Issue #1): A genie on the run from her dangerous nemesis who has tracked her over 1200 years from the Middle East to the deserted Pinnacles in Western Australia must attempt to not only escape the trap he set for her but also rescue a family facing annihilation.
Chapter Length: Six pages

The collected volume / trade paperback will be released in 2025.

Copyright Information: “Djiniri” story and characters are Copyright © Julie Ditrich, 2019. All “Djiniri” art is Copyright © Marcelo Baez, 2019. All rights reserved worldwide. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of the authors is prohibited.


Elf~Fin™: Hyfus & Tilaweed is a love story of Hyfus, the popular seer~sea of the Waverin pod, and Tilaweed who has fallen into favour with Rippart, the Exultant Light, the dogmatic leader of a secretive community known as the Faithful. This is a tale of passion, betrayal and intrigue set completely underwater and against a cataclysmic event known as the Shuddering that changes the world of Elf~Threaal forever.

Elf-Fin.Issue1.2013Title: Elf~Fin: Hyfus & Tilaweed #1
(Issue 1 in a 6 part series)
Story: Julie Ditrich and Jozef Szekeres
Script: Julie Ditrich
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: Hyfus the seer~sea in the Waverin pod attends the Claiming Ceremony of his young fin~friends Jayshu and Razbi. But something goes awry when Hyfus predicts an impending catastrophe on the troubled planet of Elf~Threaal. He is chastised by the Council of Elders but will his turn as Hunt Master during the sea hunt change their opinion?
Publisher: Black Mermaid Productions
Year of Publication: 2013
Format: Comic book
Edition: Treasury Edition
ISBN: 978-0-9808759-2-8
Price: AUD$20
Length: 56 pages (with 48 pages of story)
Availability: Nearly out of print. Limited copies from the second print run available. Please send query email to
Copyright Information: See below


Elf-Fin.MerConPreview.2011Title: Elf~Fin: Hyfus & Tilaweed PREVIEW
Story: Julie Ditrich and Jozef Szekeres
Script: Julie Ditrich
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: This Preview features the first half and the first Act of the first issue in the Elf~Fin™: Hyfus & Tilaweed series. It introduces Hyfus the seer~sea and his home~pod of the Waverin.
Publisher: Black Mermaid Productions
Year of Publication: 2011
Format: Comic book
Edition: Collectors’ limited edition of 250 copies (comes with a Certificate of Authenticity)
ISBN: 978-0-9808759-0-4
Price: AUD/USD$10.00
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print / SOLD OUT!
Copyright Information: See below


Elf-Fin.Preview.2011Title: Elf~Fin™: Hyfus & Tilaweed PREVIEW MER-CON EDITION
Story: Julie Ditrich and Jozef Szekeres
Script: Julie Ditrich
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: This Preview features the first half and the first Act of the first issue in the Elf~Fin™: Hyfus & Tilaweed series. It introduces Hyfus the seer~sea and his home~pod of the Waverin.
Black Mermaid Productions
Year of Publication: 2011
Format: Comic book
Edition: Limited edition of 250 copies released at MerCon (Mermaid Convention) and the World Mermaid Awards (Las Vegas 12-13 August 2011)
ISBN: 978-0-9808759-1-1
Price: AUD/USD$10.00
 32 pages (contains 24 pages of story) plus additional wrap around cover
Copyright Information: See below
Availability:  Out of print. Small quantity left / only available at Australian comic book conventions.

Copyright Information: All story, art, and characters are Copyright ©  and Trademark ™ Black Mermaid Productions 2011-2013. All rights reserved worldwide. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of Black Mermaid Productions™ is prohibited.

Tides of Hope: “Hope Floats”

Tides of Hope is an Australian comics anthology which features over 40 Australian and international creators who contributed stories to help the 2011 Queensland Flood Relief victims. Julie contributed a story called “Hope Floats”.

Tides of Hope CoverTitle: Tides of Hope
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich
Artist: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Disaster
Synopsis: When a family is swept off the rooftop of their house during a terrifying deluge, they find help from the most unlikeliest of places and creatures.
Supanova Publications
Year of Publication:
Format: Comic book anthology
Edition: First
Price: AUD$10.00
Length: 32 pages (with 31 pages of stories and pinups)
Story Title: “Hope Floats”
Story Length: One page
Availability:  Out of print / limited number available through Supanova Pop Culture Convention

Copyright Information: All story, art, and characters are Copyright © Supanova Pop Culture Convention, 2011. All rights reserved worldwide. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of Supanova is prohibited.

Dart: The Mini-series

In 1995, Erik Larsen of Image Comics (Savage Dragon, Freak Force) commissioned a comics team called Black Mermaid Productions (BMP) to which Julie belonged to do a “Year One” story (ie. point of origin plotline) for one of his favourite characters Dart who appeared in several of his comic books. The brief included a bar room brawl scene where Dart uses the only weapons at her disposal to survive a brutal attack. This becomes a defining moment in her accepting her superhero persona. The brief also included a challenge on her name and identity within a three issue mini-series format. Outside of that BMP was given free reign so decided to introduce a team of the most unlikeliest of superheroes without a mission, Blood Chic, and their sworn enemies, Vogue Attack. The first issue made it into Wizard‘s Top 100 list for the month. The story is speculative and is not considered canon.

Dart.Issue1.1996Title: Dart #1
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Jozef Szekeres
Cover and Alternate Cover:  Jozef Szekeres
In Color
Genre: Superhero
Synopsis: Dart, a new vigilante on the streets of Detroit, rescues two young tourists  who are attacked in an alley by a violent gang. The entire encounter is secretly filmed and shown on the evening news. By morning she is deemed a superhero, but also becomes the victim of an unscrupulous toy manufacturer who appropriates her likeness and name without her permission.
Image Comics
Year of Publication: 
Comic book
32 pages (with 22 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


Dart.Issue2.1996Title: Dart #2
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Pencils: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Colours: In Color
Genre: Superhero
Synopsis: A shocked Dart discovers that the toy manufacturer has stolen her identity and made a toy in her image. When she confronts the head of company, she is threatened with legal action if she chooses to take it further. Sensing she will cause trouble for him, the head of the company sends out the villainous Vogue Attack team to take care of her. Outnumbered five to one in a warehouse, Dart must fight for her very survival.
Publisher: Image Comics
Year of Publication: 1996
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.50
 32 pages (with 22 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


Dart.Issue3.1996Title: Dart #3
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Pencils: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Colours: In Color
Genre: Superhero
Synopsis: Blood Chic save Dart’s life and they quickly become her allies in the battle against the toy manufacturer. Traumatic memories that have been leaking into Dart’s consciousness, spur her on to retaliate and reclaim her name and identity. Will this unlikely group be able to outwit the toy manufacturer and Vogue Attack at the launch of the new toy lines at a giant shopping mall? Or will thousands of innocent shoppers be trampled and killed in the ensuing battle?
Publisher: Image Comics
Year of Publication: 1996
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.50
32 pages (with 22 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below

Copyright Information: All story, art, and characters are Copyright © and Trademark ™ Black Mermaid Productions 1996, except the titles DART™ is Copyright © and Trademark ™ Erik Larsen 1996. All rights reserved worldwide. With the exception of art used for review purposes, reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of Erik Larsen and Black Mermaid Productions™ is prohibited.


ElfQuest: WaveDancers

ElfQuest: WaveDancers is a spin-off story in the ElfQuest universe, which focuses on an isolated and naive group of sea-dwelling elves known as the original WaveDancers—some of whom have legs and some of whom have used magic to grow tails. “Search for the True Crown” is fish-out of-water story about two young WaveDancers who challenge the status quo, and embark on an overland journey when they recognise a blatant case of identity theft within their colony, which threatens to destroy their idyllic world if the perpetrator gets her way. This series went on to sell 180,000+ copies around the world when it was originally released.

WaveDancers.Issue.1.1993Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #1
Series Title: “Search for the True Crown”
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: A hidden group of sea-dwelling elves called the WaveDancers celebrate the Crowning Festival. Their “Crown” Raenafel who vanished many moons ago when she was a child has returned with a mysterious High One called Sydor. But two young WaveDancers – Barmek and Sleia – are disturbed at the appearance of this black haired stranger and decide to travel inland to search for answers.
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 1993
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.00
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below

WaveDancers.Issue.2.1994Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #2
Series Title: “Search for the True Crown”
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: While the Crowning Festival is in full swing, Barmek and Sleia continue their quest on land as Barmek responds to a intuitive homing signal he names the “Calling”. He doesn’t believe that Raenafel is who she claims to be despite the fact that his mother Kirith, the blind midwife, who raised Raenafel in secret until the child was kidnapped, acknowledges the returned Crown as being true. On land, Barmek and Sleia contend with their own challenges in the form of berries, bears and bugs.
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 
 Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.25
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


WaveDancers.Issue.3.1994Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #3
Series Title: “Search for the True Crown”
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: Intrigue occupies many a space in the WaveDancers’ grotto home. Sydor the High One and the regal black haired claimant to the Crown don’t have the relationship they project to the colony, and there are conspiracies and divisions afoot. On land, Barmek and Sleia continue their journey that pushes them both to their limits. Along the way they come across the ruins of Blue Mountain, encounter their first poisonous snake, and deal with both beautiful visions and the depths of frenzied and feverish mind when they lose their way.
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 1994
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.25
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


WaveDancers.Issue.4.1994Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #4
Series Title: “Search for the True Crown”
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: The legend of Raenafel – the True Crown – is revealed along with the origins of the Curse of Recognition, although the WaveDancers are still not privy to it. Inland, Barmek is close to death, a victim of Sleia’s momentary madness. She knows the only way to save him is to revive Raenafel who is asleep in No~Wing, the Preserver’s, webbing. As she sets about doing so, she doesn’t realise she is about to unleash the full power of a long denied “Recognition” between Barmek and Raenafel…
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 1994
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.25
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


WaveDancers.Issue.5.1994Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #5
Series Title: Search for the True Crown”
Story and Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: Time is running out as the treacherous Winnowill begins the rituals to ascend the throne, as well as find some pleasure with her male minion. Meanwhile, Sydor sows the seeds of discontent within the colony in his determination to indoctrinate them into following him. On land, Barmek, Sleia and Raenafel race desperately towards the sea to prevent the false one from being Crowned. But they are impeded by the unrealised pull of Recognition between Barmek and Raenafel who suffer terribly as they try to avoid each other and stay on course in their bid to return home.
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 1994
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.25
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below


WaveDancers.Issue.6.1994Title: ElfQuest: WaveDancers #6
Series Title: Search for the True Crown”
Story / Script: Julie Ditrich and Bruce Love
Art: Jozef Szekeres
Cover: Jozef Szekeres
Genre: Fantasy
Synopsis: As Winnowill prepares to be crowned, the young travellers swim frantically through the stormy vast deep water to make it back to the grotto to stop the proceedings. The climactic three-way confrontation between Sydor, Winnowill and Raenafel exposes the truth about who truly possesses the power and who merely craves the power, and reveals that the purest power of them all is that of Recognition.
Publisher: Warp Graphics
Year of Publication: 1994
Format: Comic book
Edition: First
Price: USD$2.25
 32 pages (with 24 pages of story)
Availability:  Out of print
Copyright Information: See below

Copyright Information: All story, art, and characters are Copyright © and Trademark ™ Black Mermaid Productions 1993-1994, except the titles “Elfquest” and “WaveDancers”, the characters “Winnowill”, “Cutter”, “Leetah”, “Two-Edge” and “Rayek” and the Elfquest ® environment and lore, as depicted herein, are Copyright © and Trademark ™ 1993-1994 Warp Graphics, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Reproduction of any part of the contents of this publication, without the written consent of Black Mermaid Productions™ and Warp Graphics, Inc. is prohibited.

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