
Here is a sample of some of the comics workshops Julie offers to comics conventions, pop culture conventions, writers centres and festivals, libraries, schools and other events. Workshops can be customised according to the needs of your schedule and audience.






“A Comics Taste Test™: An Introduction to the Comics Medium”

‘Comics’ is often mistaken for a literary genre but it is anything but… In fact, comics encompasses six different formats (including comic books and graphic novels), which act as delivery systems for multiple story genres. This presentation defines what comics is all about, and introduces participants to the scope and versatility, as well as the accessibility of its unique storytelling approach that captures and entrances readers across all genders, generations and backgrounds.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 12+
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: $374 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511


“Becoming Dr Frankenstein: How to Create Fabulous Comic Book Characters”

All great comic book and graphic novel stories start with great characters whether they are heroes, villains or other archetypes. This beginner’s workshop shows you how to create a character profile from scratch by identifying and patching together the physiological, psychological and energetic components that make up your lead and supporting players.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 15+
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: $374 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511


“Creative Doorways: How to Find Your Comics Story Entry Points” (NEW!)

“Where do you get your ideas?” is the most common question asked of comics creators. This workshop shows you how your imagination works; how to capture, store and retrieve visual information; as well as how to use dream imagery, personal experience, art, photography and more to ignite your creative imagination and manifest exciting comics stories.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 15+
Duration: 60 minutes
Rate: $374 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511


“Micro Comics: How to Create One-Page Comics Stories” 

Comics creators need to be versatile in their ability to adapt to short form graphic storytelling so as to respond to professional opportunities that demand this discipline. Conversely, micro comics are also a great testing ground for new creators to see whether “comics” resonates as an artistic medium of choice. This workshop provides participants with insights into process, minimalist story structure, the most effective panel transitions for short pieces, as well as other tools to help them experiment in this art form.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 15+
Duration: 90 minutes
Rate: $500 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511


“Comics Fashion Sense: Costuming as Commentary on Characters”

Getting the right costuming for your comics story is essential because clothes become identifiable statements and brands for your characters. They also offer readers insights into the inner and outer worlds of your characters. This workshop provides participants with tips on how to go about outfitting characters in line with genre, personality, setting and emotional journey.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 15+
Duration: 90 minutes
Rate: $500 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511


“Animal Magic: How to Use Animal Archetypes to Create Unique Human Comic Book Characters”

Animals often appear in comic book stories in the form of friends, sidekicks or threats. However, writers can also incorporate animal spirit into creating multi-dimensional characters that resonate with readers. This workshop shows participants how to capture animal traits and energies in character profiles and model sheets, and also provides an understanding of how to use animals symbolically to comment on story themes.

Presenter: Julie Ditrich
Target Audience Age: 18+
Duration: 120 minutes
Rate: $625 (based on the Australian Society of Authors Public Appearance Rates)
Bookings and further information: or (02) 9606 4728 or 0412 445 511

Professional Development

For short courses on writing for comics and graphic novels, please check out Comics Mastermind™.

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